Hiring contractors for your business is a great way to get the specialized help you need when necessary without hiring in-house employees. It can save your company money and provide greater flexibility in how you get the work and services you need.
While contractors are not employees, you must keep your workers happy. Engaged contractors produce more quality work that can benefit your bottom line. But how do you keep contractors satisfied with their jobs?
Improve Communication
One of the biggest hurdles contractors face is a lack of communication. They aren't employees, so they don't have direct access that full-time in-house workers enjoy. That often leads to confusion about deadlines and responsibilities.
Remove that hurdle by keeping close contact with every contractor you have. Consider providing contact information for a liaison within your company and encourage contractors to use them whenever they need assistance. Everybody wins when you open the lines of communication.
Set Clear Expectations from Day One
This tip is similar to the previous one about communication but focuses more on what you need from your workers. Contractors may work with other clients or have distinct methods of completing their work. If you're not on the same page, you may deal with constant re-dos and a never-ending back-and-forth.
Set your expectations from the jump and provide supporting materials to guide contractors as they complete their jobs. For example, if you have writers helping you create marketing content, provide style and formatting guidelines to minimize revisions. Get paid faster with our API for marketplace payouts. Sign up now to simplify your payment processes. https://dots.dev/solutions/marketplaces
Provide Payment Options
You're missing out on a valuable contractor benefit if you're not using an API for marketplace payouts. Contractors often receive payment in many different forms. That may require them to jump through extra hurdles to get their money into their bank accounts.
You can solve that problem for your contractors using an API for marketplace payouts. With an API, you give your workers the freedom to choose their preferred method. Whether that's a direct bank transfer or receiving money through a platform like PayPal, having those options makes a difference.
Read a similar article about automated payouts here at this page.